Headshot Photo of Sarah Frank
2021 Award Recipient


Project Simple Studies

Location Tampa, FL

Issue Area Education

As a published author and public speaker, Sarah had experience inspiring her peers to tap into their academic potential. When Sarah’s student government board rejected her proposal to build a free online student resource site to help students struggling during the pandemic, she built the website herself and featured her own AP study guides to share with her peers. Friends and others in the community were eager to contribute their own resources, and soon the site grew into Simple Studies Inc, an organization that offers free study resources, tutoring, and support for and by students to combat educational inequality.

The organization has a blog with advice articles, standardized testing resources, AP concept-breakdown videos, and study buddy matching. They also offer college application tips, free tutoring for every common class, a Discord community, and Study Sunday video calls to encourage productivity. During the pandemic, they mobilized over 800 volunteers from 40 states and 40 countries to serve 140,000 website users and 20,000 Discord members with more than 200 study guides and 30 blog articles. Sarah plans to expand Simple Studies Inc by adding international content, with a goal of reaching 1 million site users.

Simple Studies Inc is sustainable because education inequity is a systemic and persisting problem.

Sarah Frank
Sarah sits outside in a park at a picnic table with a laptop and several books stacked up.

Simple Studies


When Sarah’s student government board rejected her proposal to build a free online student resource site to help students struggling during the pandemic, she built Simple Studies Inc, an organization that offers free study resources, tutoring, and support for and by students to combat education inequality. The organization has a blog with advice articles, standardized testing resources, AP concept-breakdown videos, and study buddy matching. They also offer college application tips, free tutoring for every common class, a Discord community, and Study Sunday video calls to encourage productivity. During the pandemic, they mobilized over 800 volunteers from 40 states and 40 countries to serve 140,000 website users and 20,000 Discord members with more than 200 study guides and 30 blog articles.