Headshot Photo of David Schenirer
2010 Award Recipient


Project Vibe Youth Lounge

Location Sacramento, CA

Issue Area Mental Health & Emotional Support

David became aware that without a strong, spirited community where his Sacramento peers felt engaged, they fell victim to drugs and gangs. He answered this challenge with VIBE, a sustainable youth-led “urban lounge” providing academic, professional, and social resources such as homework help, resume writing assistance, and community-building events to support teens negotiating the developmental challenges all youth face and providing resources to those lacking them in their home and neighborhood environments.

Most people spend their days measuring happiness by what they gain for themselves; I’ve been fortunate to learn that giving is one of our most beneficial acts. It fills the giver and warms the receiver.

David Schenirer
“It is never too late, too early, or too often TO GIVE BACK AND MAKE THE WORLD A BETTER PLACE”
Helen Diller