Headshot Photo of Ellie Dubin
2013 Award Recipient


Project Kesem Shel Shir (The Magic of Music)

Location Beverly Hills, CA

Issue Area Education | Mental Health & Emotional Support

Passionate about teaching and performing arts, Ellie created a student-run musical theatre program called Kesem Shel Shir (the Magic of Music) for students at public schools with little or no arts programming. She began by directing 20 elementary school students from Los Angeles in a production of Cinderella. Over the course of eight weeks, they covered acting, singing, and choreography, as the students built community, self-confidence, and respect for one another.

Ellie’s deep-rooted connection with Israel inspired her to forge a partnership with the Youth Renewal Fund to run a similar two-week program for middle school students in Ramla. She used theatre not only to foster harmony in that religiously diverse community, but also as a vehicle to improve the English-speaking skills for the 22 participating students.

Musicals can nurture imagination, confidence, hard work and respect for underprivileged children.

Ellie Dubin
“It is never too late, too early, or too often TO GIVE BACK AND MAKE THE WORLD A BETTER PLACE”
Helen Diller